More Precision, Less Risk
The GB-250 air-to-surface gliding bomb kit serves to convert the original Mk-82 bomb into high-precision munition. It includes an advanced guidance system that ensures considerably lower costs and a higher mission success rate – and requires minimum change to the bomb’s design. Compared to the Mk-82, the GB-250’s precision and accuracy are significantly enhanced, while its flight path is several times longer. Moreover, once it is released from the aircraft, this bomb can autonomously fly to its target. This is possible due to the bomb’s computer control group upgrade, which includes the INS and GPS. |
The main benefit of this air-to-surface guidance kit is a significant reduction of aircrew and civilian losses, along with a decreased collateral damage during the missions. The precision gliding bomb Mk-82 system evolved from our expertise in leveraging all military solutions. We strive for exploiting various technologies, even outdated ones and assisting our customers across the entire value chain – from design, development and manufacture to in-service support. We stand for unparalleled precision, accuracy, easy integration and clever solutions to ensure our customer’s state-of-the-art performance at every step of their missions. |